Super Tuesday
I have tended to avoid writing about politics much in this blog due to the controversy it sometimes creates. I have learned that many of my readers are very conservative, and I am by nature quite liberal. So I try to stick to my profession and the subjects therein.
But in honor of Super Tuesday, and as a resident of California, I'm voting and wanted to share my enthusiasm. I hope you will all indulge me, and perhaps share your own viewpoints.
I am undecided at this moment as to who I prefer: Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Both are inspirational in their own right. I am still angry with Hillary over her votes supporting the Iraq war, but I realize that was part of her goal to play smart politics and most of the democratic party voted with her on this.
Barack Obama is solid on the Iraq war, but I feel he's vague in many other respects. In many ways, I feel his promise is what he may do if given the chance, since he's still very new to the national stage, and lacks Hillary's experience.
As many of you may have heard, there was an effort in California to try to give universal health care for all residents. Unfortunately, it failed, but I believe (or want to believe) that all of the democratic candidates will make an effort to create a more inclusive health care program for all Americans. I think this is something we as medical professionals can all agree would be a good thing.
Frankly, the republican candidates don't seem to care a bit about health care. They think the current status quo is just fine. In many ways, I admire John McCain, but how different would his administation be from the current disastrous one? Hasn't he compromised himself too much just to get where he is?
Mind you, I'm just asking. I have no desire to sway anyone's opinion. I just hope by writing about politics and sharing my own beliefs, I might inspire you to express yours. If you were part of Super Tuesday, I hope you got the chance to vote. No matter which side of the spectrum you are on, your viewpoint really matters.
I invite everyone to leave a comment. Support a candidate. Let your voice be heard. Whatever is on your mind, I'd love to hear it!
simply put - a vote for a democrat will increase your taxes - therefore reducing your income, will socialize medicine, will reduce the amount of income administrators currently make, (i.e. check govt worker pay scales) as well as create of class of people that think the constitution guarentees health care to everyone. Have you read it? I assure you it doesnt. I cant personally understand why people want to get something for nothing or depend on the govt to deliver it for them. Please write an article and list the successful programs from govt. besides our top rated military you will find the private sector always better, more efficient, quicker, and able to deliver a better product.
Not to advocate a position, but to make a prediction:
Unless the Congress is overwhelming Democratic, including less than 40 Senators, Hillary will not be able to govern domestically. There is so much bad blood lingering from her husband's administration. She is a very smart and talented person, but there is so much history, that it could get very ugly if she was elected. When people are thinking of change, I believe they are primarily thinking of the nastiness and gridlock in Washington.
Obama has the potential to get a lot done. He could wind up having a substantial honeymoon period, if he picks his issues right (not starting with gays in the military as the first issue, for example). I think there is a question if he would pull troops out precipitously from Iraq, causing long-term harm in the region. There will be a lot of pressure to leave quickly.
McCain is difficult to predict. Who knows how much he could get through or what he would decide to do? If he faces Obama in the general, his chances of being elected are not great. His age will be an issue, whether people want to admit it or not.
In response to the query about a successful program, try the Veterans Health Care system.
Would you like to outsource emergency response, like New Orleans? Isn't a government that can effectively handle problems like that what we are paying taxes for? Perhaps if we demonize government less, we can have it work effectively, rather than staffing offices with political hacks like Mike Brown.
Who would you be voting for if the other candidates, other than Hillary, had a spouse that was impeached for lying in court, dirtying the White House by having illicit sex (yes it was)in the White House, using the White House to "bribe" lobbiests and others for support, had been investigated for bribary and other illegal activities, had been investigated for destroying pertinent documents, taking questionable contributions for election campaigns? Why would any one want this pair back in the White House leading our country? It has nothing to do with Dem vs Rep; it has everything to do with honor, honesty, ethics, respect for our country and the position of presidency, and the standards that should be set by our leaders. They have no standards - how can they set any? I for one do not want this type of leadership anywhere near our government and the decisions that are to be made for me nor my fell Americans. Trash is trash no matter how you look at it. So terribly sad for our country.
Your article speaks quite well in that you haven't done your homework. Of all the candidates only one has proven they are capable of providing everyone health insurance without increasing taxes. This candidate was Mitt Romney who unfortunately has withdrawn from the race. Hillary Clinton has stated she will garnish our wages if it means providing health insurance to everyone in the nation. This is where I draw the line! I am NOT willing to pay for illegal aliens, reprobates, criminals, and those too lazy to work to have health insurance. I work hard and so should everyone else who is capable to pay for their health insurance and their support.
I too would like to see the war in Iraq come to an end but, having a military background, I know one cannot just up and leave a country that is in such disarray and looking to us for training and support. We would be inviting more 9/11's if we just up and pulled out. A gradual drawdown is more feasible and unfortunatley more lives will be lost in the meantime.
I don't have a problem with a woman nor an African American being president but I will not support anyone who is going to take more of my hard earned money through more government programs.
As for Senator McCain, he's a Democrat in sheep's clothing. The Democrats must be cheering because either way we'll have a Democrat in the White House.
Having a democrat as president in these crucial moments of our country's history brigns shivers down my spine. History will judge that the war in Iraq was the right thing to do. George Bush did a lousy job managing it, but it needed to be done. I am origionally from Lebanon, and I tell you the majority of the people in that country are very grateful for the sacrifices the USA is making in the Middle East. You have more friends than the media portrays. On the health care issue, if a democrat is in the Whitehouse, Lord have mercy on your people. Government cannot manage a system as complex as healthcare. It will be a disaster. My wish and prayer is that the Democratic Party (hopefully in my life time) transform itself from a distructive libral philosophy that is weakening the country.
Anyone remember the mess we had last time Ms. Hillary decided to change healthcare? I certainly do..I don't think any politician understands the complexity of this issue, republican or democrat. Politicians have the BEST healthcare coverage in the nation and they keep it that way for themselves. Government involvement in healthcare will be the same mess we are asked to help patients with regarding Medicare Part D. Not very encouraging.
I am for Obama. Maybe a fresh perspective will help us all. He seems to be honest enough and states he is not taking money from lobyists. Who knows, it is always a crap shoot. Not Hillary who already ran the country and certainly not McCain who I don't believe can physically survive the next four years.
One of my physicians once told me that if I made about $150,000 more than what I made I would be a republican. Well that did not really help me at the time and I still lean toward the Democrats. Your first respondant made mention that if you vote for a Democrat you taxes will go up. Hmmm...what was the first President Bush doing when he said, "Read my lips"? That would be lying and proving that being a politician is not an ethical profession, if you expect it you will be disappointed everytime.
I have mixed feelings regarding the healthcare issue. I would like to see quality issues addressed, especially in the governmental institutions. But it would be nice to have everyone have insurance. Somehow I don't think we can get both.
This is such a hugh issue it needs to be in stages like HIPAA. And I would like to see some of Stark go away. Maybe some of you folks in California can deal with that one.
Is there a candidate in either party that I would support? The answer is no. I'm looking for a independent populist. Someone who actually listens to the majority of the people, by the people and for the people.
I feel like I live in a different country from the rest of the respondents. If you look at history, you will see we had a great economy when Bill Clinton was in office. He left us with a surplus in Social Security, which Bush disposed of quickly. Bush put us in this horrible war and could care less about the lives we are losing. We need to get out of there now because we cannot make a difference in a country whose government officials can't even stand each other.
I would like to give Hilary a chance to do what she says she can do. She can make a difference. And as for the Rightous Republicans who say Democrats raise taxes, look at the disgraceful mess you are leaving and you think that it can be cleaned up without someone paying for it? You guys can pay back China and we will handle the rest.
to wayne and the blog after his comment - evidently your memory in context is missing. george bush sr did say no new taxes and soon afterwards the democrats were crying that no one cared, those mean republicans, dont pay their fair share, and dont invest in children. he compromised his principles and was working a "deal" in the background. guess what. after the taxes got raised, the democats that made the "deal" evaporated - leaving him to hold the bag. read your history. bush admits that was his biggest plunder - miscalculation. as far as the clinton years and what he left us - no president affects domestic policy in 2 years. i do know that clinton left us in a recession when bush took office and basically achieved nothing but his own gratification in the white house. his needs were above the peoples. taxes were raised, corny phrases like people dont pay their "fair share" lead to class warfare, the housing/mortage market was tweaked leading to todays housing problem for low income and "the underpriveldged". you guys dont get it. everytime govt messes with the market it causes a ripple affect down the line that usually is negative. dont get me wrong i am vastly disappointed in bush jr. he compromised alot of his principles like his dad. i dont like the fact we are over in irag and our boys are dying. i will make a prediction what will happen is that we will withdraw and the country go back in chaos. therefore, all those who died, like vietnam, died in vain. wake up people - read the history and the facts. i bet you both believe that al gore had the election stolen from him too? read the supremem court decision - it doesnt even suggest that. are you really interested in the truth or will you compromise on a daily basis based on the wind that is blowing?
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