A Blog about Blogging
I recently came across a site that suggests a very practical solution to the constant, dull roar of medical reps: blogging. That's right. While many use the blog as a personal or professional diary, it can also serve a more practical purpose, providing medical company reps with ongoing information so you don't have to.
The site provides sample entries. For example, a list of drugs that the office currently needs. Even better is a lunchtime policy that allows you detail everything from the specialties of your physicians to the dietary restrictions of your office should catering be involved.
The medical rep is a necessary evil in modern medicine, and I've become friends with a few of them. Still, in a busy office environment where time is a budgeted item, it can be difficult to offer a detailed analysis of what's needed and how often. Why not create an online blog that you can update as needed to handle all potential questions? Once you spend the time to get it started, it would be an easy and helpful office tool.
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