Good Advice for People Trying to Reach an Actual Human Being on the Phone
If you're like me, you spend a good portion of your day on the telephone. One of my biggest pet peeves is the amount of difficulty involved in trying to reach an actual human being!
Fortunately, I recently came across an excellent site with lots of handy tips for people who don't have a lifetime to waste on hold. It's called, and below are their suggestions for how to get an actual human being on the phone. I hope you find it as useful as I did. (If you have any ideas which can be added to the list, please let me know!)
1. Interrupt. Press 0 (or 0# or #0 or 0* or *0) repeatedly, sometimes quickly. Unfortunately the same keystroke does not always work for each company. Many will connect to a human after a few "invalid entries", although some will hangup.
2. Talk. Say "get human" (or "agent" or "representative") or raise your voice, or just mumble. They might connect you to a human after one of these key or unknown phrases.
3. Just hold, pretending you have only an old rotary phone.
4. Connect to account collections or sales or account cancellation; they always seem to answer quickly. First ask them for their name and rep number (so they know you are writing it down, and thus so they are more likely to help you). Then ask them to transfer you to the department you need. Sometimes they will put you ahead of the queue, although sometimes they will send you to the end (and thus in those cases this tip is useless).
5. Toll call. For credit cards, if the expected wait time is too long, hangup and try to call back on their non-toll-free number, as they often have shorter queues.
6. Selecting the option for Spanish will sometimes get you a bilingual human more quickly than if you just waited for an English-only operator.
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