Nurse Vs. Doctor
There's an interesting piece in the New York Times about the hierarchy of doctors. It claims that the vanity of some older doctors could potentially jeopardize the health of their patients, and that it's important for younger, less-experienced doctors to be heard, and not feel like they're whistleblowers when they disagree with their elders.
The article discusses this problem in a hospital environment, but it can also be true in smaller, office practices. At the last place I worked, a young nurse caught a mistake an older doctor had made. On the surface, he was grateful, but there was an obvious resentment that played out over time.
She was new, this nurse, and so there were some mistakes she made as part of her learning curve. The older doctor caught many of them and often rudely corrected her in front of the other staff. He was the lynchpin of the practice, the senior doctor who brought in the most patients, so no one told him to lay off, even though we all knew what he was doing. Eventually, she quit.
There's a lot of unspoken behavior in medical offices. I'd like to think that because we all have firsthand knowledge of life's fragility, our vanity and ego could be punctured like a children's balloon. Sometimes, that's true, but more often than not we function on an obvious but unacknowledged hierarchy.
Which makes sense. After all, I'm not a doctor. My opinion regarding the health of a patient is never going to carry the same weight, nor should it. The beauty of our office (and I'd suspect most offices) is the doctors maintain their authority by listening and questioning themselves. There isn 't one among them who wouldn't lend an ear to a colleague--doctor or nurse--if they had a serious concern.
And that's how it should be. The practice of medicine is not about glorifying the doctor. It's about treating the patient, by any means necessary. What do you think?
I always find it interesting when people think that communication should only go one way. If a nurse can point out a doctors error, why can't the doctor point out the nurse's error? The nurse was "new", "learning curve" etc. isn't it all in the patient's best interest. We should all be able to communicate openly so if you want to dish it out be ready to accept it also. Nobody's perfect.
No doubt, Doctors should have the last word about their patients' care. However, I don't feel that taking things out on a nurse because she found a mistake is hardly fair. It's all in the presentation on both parts. She needed to learn how to present the problem with out making it a problem for the Doctor. Maybe even fixing the problem if she can and not saying anything. Or going to the Manager for guidance. She could have been a good nurse!!?? Where are the managers that defend their employees if the situation warrants it??
The situation between the nurse and the doctor should be used as a learning experience. There are so many opportunities to learn, and improve on, regarding their dialog.
The new nurse hopefully has gained some knowledge as to the best way to point out mistakes, or correct them in the most positive and productive manner.
The older docter that caught the nurse mistakes hopefully has learned a better way to address them, since he was certainly involved with the training of the replacement. Doctors do notice the additional work involved in turnover of staff.
I believe they both should have been mentored or counseled regarding a better way of communicating. I also believe they learned a lot no matter what.
yeah. No brainer. Where do these patients get off??!!
I am pretty sure the doctor did what he did because the nurse must have made the mistake "public" and must have bragged about it !!, instead of bringing it to the doctors attetion privately. ( if she had been discreet you and the orhers in the office would not have known of the Mistake !!)
I agree that we are all professionals and should behave so, but sometimes, it is hard for somebody very senior to be at the butt-end of stupid snickering by a new employee.
Additionally a nurse should not be making too many mistakes, else she should be applying for a nurse's assistants job !!
Good words.
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