A Sort-Of House Call
A doctor in our office just told me the funniest story, and I just had to share it with you.
Apparently, he was getting lunch at the Burger King down the street, when a patient of his noticed him. He seemed extremely glad to see his doctor at such an informal setting. "Even you eat at Burger King? It must be healthy! "
This was a doctor who usually wouldn't be caught dead at a fast food restaurant. He was actually picking up lunch for our receptionist as part of losing a bet. As part of the deal, he couldn't go through the drive-thru, either, he had to go inside. (Have I ever mentioned just how nice our doctors are?)
So he was friendly with this patient, and the lines were all long, leaving them both with plenty of time to socialize. The patient suddenly went quiet, and seemed to hem and haw. The doctor sensed the man was trying to say something but couldn't. Finally, the patient quietly said something about a rash on his genitalia.
The doctor was just about to suggest that he make an appointment, when the man dropped his trousers. Right there--in the line at Burger King! The patient immediately realized what he'd done and pulled up his drawers. He headed out of the restaurant like a shot, saying he would call the office. The doctor just shook his head and laughed it off, as did everyone around him.
When he got back to our office, the doctor gave the receptionist her lunch and said he would bet her french fries that he knew the name of the patient who just called to make an appointment. He was done eating the fries by the time he told her how he knew.
I totally understand your feelings on the Union Pacific decision. However,
most of us make no apologies for our political views although they may vary
drastically. I really think it is better to keep politics out of the mix
because when the "leader of the pack" bring up the topic, it becomes fair
game and I think we totally get off the subject. I started to respond in
the blog but decided against it. I do not think the decision had anything
whatsoever to do with the fact it was a Republican Judge or a Democratic
Judge, I think it has more to do with the fact there are many in the Justice
system who are ill informed. Let's not get into a political battle on your
site. I am sure we all have strong political opinions.
Cora Lea Gaither, Administrator
I like your articles. I do not make comments often, but I enjoy reading other people’s opinions.
Keep it up and do not let the “mean” people get to you.
Thank you.
Margaret M. Pruszka, MBA
Do they ever have you covering local charity events? We're having the
2007 opera gala in April, and I wondered if that's something you might
cover, or one of your colleagues...
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